EN 3 EN 1. General information Dear customer, By purchasing a GEIGER tubular motor you have decided on a quality product from GEIGER. Thank you very much for your decision and the confidence placed in us. Before you put this drive into operation please observe the following safety information. GEIGER-SOLIDline Touch - die neue Dimension in der mechanischen Endabschaltung . SOLIDline-KS SOLIDline-COM SOLIDline-SOC . GU4550 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 123456 7 Drehmoment Rollladen Breite m Höhe m Welle:
GEIGER-SoftPerfection/-S - PDF Tubular motor: GEIGER-SOLIDline GEIGER-Touch (GU45.M). Produktdatenblatt GEIGER-SoftPerfection/-S – für mehr Effizienz im Rollladenbau … Problem und Lösung Effizienz bei der Montage PRobLEM:. Geiger SOLIDline-KS GU4550 Handbücher. Tubular motor: GEIGER-SOLIDline Motor control: GEIGER-Touch (GU45.M) for rolling shutters, awnings and screens DE Original-Montage- und Betriebsanleitung EN Original assembly and operating instructions FR Notice originale de montage et d’utilisation ES Instrucciones originales de instalación y funcionamiento IT Istruzioni originali. Produktodraeunrblu ruaGEbIrdR-VruaiasWW–sAssanraWmsL 3 Festfrierschutz Der GEIGER-VariousWireless verfügt über einen Festfrierschutz in AUF-Richtung. GEIGER-SOLIDline GEIGER Tubular motor: GEIGER-SOLIDline GEIGER-Touch (GU45.M). GEIGER-VariousWireless - Markisen. GEIGER Powertronic l sistema GEIGER Powertronic consente all utente di variare i requisiti di chiusura del motore. L utente può aumentare o ridurre la forza di chiusura applicata dal motore. In tal modo viene influenzata l operazione di chiusura del cassonetto.
User Manual Solidline Air Electrical Connector Switch.
Thanks to the partnership with Geiger we can stay on the market for the motors for sun covers with a complete range of products, that can satisfy the large part of the needs of the market. We can propose a Made in Germany product. GEIGER-SOLIDline Touch - Markisen. The GEIGER SOLIDline Touch !The mechanical end stop Touch GEIGER-SOLIDline , like all GEIGER motors, are developed and produced in Germany. SOLIDline-KS SOLIDline-COM SOLIDline-SIC SOLIDline-SOC Adjustment without special tools. Produktový list GEIGER-SOLIDline Easy – snadná instalace a vysoký komfort pro rolety Úvod Nové elektronické určení polohy koncových bodů výrazně ulehčuje. PDF GEIGER-SOLIDline Easy -
GEIGER-SOLIDline SoftPlusWireless-Qi - Produktdatenblatt GEIGER-SOLIDline Touch – die neue Dimension in der mechanischen Endabschaltung Vormerkung Mit der neuen mechanischen Endabschaltung Touch eröffnet GEIGER. PDF GEIGER-SOLIDline Touch - Markisen. PDF GEIGER-VariousWireless - Markisen.
The device can now be seen in the periphery tree underneath the Air Base Extension. www.geiger.automatic shading For configuration. in the monitor below click on the Learn tab and then click the „Start search button. For any further information on configuring the GEIGER SOLIDLine AIR with the Miniserver see www. EN Configuration. PDF GEIGER-SOLIDline Touch Ð - Anderssons markis.
Motors for awnings and rolling shutters MOTORI PER TENDE. GEIGER-SOLIDline. GEIGER-Easy (GU45.E01) per avvolgibili. GEIGER-SOLIDline Easy - Motorbaureihe. Informationen. Elektromotoren.
Spostare SOLIDline Easy con i tasti di direzione nel punto di battuta superiore desiderato. Premere il tasto di programmazione finché il LED lampeggia, (2 x lampeggio, intervallo, 2 x lampeggio, intervallo,.), rilasciare quindi il tasto di programmazione. Rohrmotor: GEIGER-SOLIDline Motorsteuerung: GEIGER-Touch (GU45.M) für Rollladen, Markisen und Screens DE Original-Montage- und Betriebsanleitung EN Original assembly and operating instructions FR Notice originale de montage et d’utilisation ES Instrucciones originales de instalación y funcionamiento IT Istruzioni originali. Technické změny vyhrazeny 100150 cz 0214 3 Ochrana proti přimrznutí GEIGER-SOLIDline Easy má ochranu proti přimrznutí při pohybu nahoru. Pokud přimrzne spodní profil, není nebezpečí utržení lamely. 2 7 Funkce Plug Play GEIGER-SOLIDline SoftPlusWireless-Qi významně zkracuje dobu uvádění do provozu. Pohon se při prodeji nachází v režimu učení. Search among more than 1.000.000 user manuals and view them online
Der GEIGER-VariousWireless verfügt über eine sehr feinfühlige Motorintelligenz; sie gewährleistet die für GEIGER typische „Soft-Abschaltung in den Endlagen. Diese schützt den Behang vor Überbeanspruchungen. Soluzione: Il sistema GEIGER SoftPlusWireless riduce notevolmente la sollecitazione dei teli per tende. Il telo è soggetto a sollecitazioni da trazione molto minori e rimane quindi molto più a lungo in forma. GEIGER-VariousWireless - GEIGER Antriebstechnik PDF GEIGER-SoftPerfection/-S - 6 MOTORI PER TENDE E TAPPARELLE motors for awnings and rolling shutters Tensione Corrente Cps Phi Corrente di spunto Potenza Coppia Velocità di rotazione. PDF Certifi ed Partner - Italprofil. GEIGER-SOLIDline SoftPlusWireless-Qi - SOLIDline-KS SOLIDline-ZN SOLIDline-COM SOLIDline-SOC. 1001531 de 014 GU4550 se dodává pouze s KS nebo SOC uchycením a se značkou CE. Technické změny vyhrazeny DE V geprüfte. 111TublubaTrb m 3 GE 1. General information Dear customer, By purchasing a GEIGER tubular motor you have decided on a quality product from GEIGER. Thank you very much for your decision and the confidence placed
GEIGER-SOLIDline. GEIGER-SoftLock (GU45.E07) Per sistemi. Tubular motor: GEIGER-SOLIDline Motor control: GEIGER-Touch (GU45.M) for rolling shutters, awnings and screens DE Original-Montage- und Betriebsanleitung EN Original assembly and operating instructions FR Notice originale de montage et d utilisation ES Instrucciones originales de instalación y funcionamiento IT Istruzioni originali di installazione e funzionamento EN not for ZN motor. PDF GEIGER-SOLIDline SoftPlusWireless-Qi - PDF motors for awnings and rolling shutters MOTORI PER TENDE.